Lynn Schmittwilken
- Rooms: MAR 5.021 and MAR 2.041
- Email:
- Office hours: on appointment

Research Interests
I study visual processing in humans. In particular, I am interested in how we perceive the three-dimensional nature of our surrounds, and how this information could be used to improve computer vision models.
Curriculum Vitae
Professional and Academic Experience
- since 2019 : Doctoral Researcher with Prof. Dr. Marianne Maertens, TU Berlin
- Research question: How do humans synthesize 3D shape?
- 2018-2019 : Master thesis work with Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog, EPFL Lausanne
- Research question: Can capsule networks explain global visual effects?
- 2017-2018 : Internship with Dr. Udo Ernst and Dr. Detlef Wegener, Bremen University
- Research question: Which information can be derived from physiological data of primates implanted with high-resolution epidural ECoG arrays in V1?
- 2016-2018 : Student assistant of Prof. Dr. Manfred Fahle, Bremen University
- Research question: Can we identify two distinct brain regions for the detection and discrimation of different visual modalities (color, motion, contrast, luminance)?
- 2016 - 2019: M. Sc., Neurosciences, Bremen University
- 2013 - 2016: B. Sc., Psychology, Bremen University