


Dr. Torsten Betz

Currently working at the Deutsche Bahn.

Carolin Brunn


Caro finished her Bachelor thesis in our group and worked with us as a student research assistant for 2 years.

Minjung Kim, Ph.D.

Currently at University of Cambridge.

Bernhard Lang

Bernhard worked with us as a Ph.D. student for 9 months.

Matko Matic


Matko worked with us as a student research assistant for 1 year.

Thomas Otto, Ph.D.

Currently at University of St. Andrews.

Maximilian Pohlmann


Maximilian worked with us as a student research assistant for 6 months and finished his Bachelor thesis in Computer Science at Faculty IV.

Dr. Christiane Wiebel

Currently at Honda Research, Frankfurt.

Dr. Katharina Zeiner

Currently at Stuttgart Media University.

Alumni - Bachelor students

Anas Allaham

Hafidz Arifin

Marcus Bindermann

Filipe Borges

Sam Chamani

Yasin Mehmet Cifci

Felix Dexel

Savas Großmann

Jakob Grünwald

Tom Ravid Hausmann

Navdha Jain

Nico Kestel

Burak Kiran

Marius Krause

Marie-Elisabeth Makohl

Iris Özkaya

Ji Hyea Park

Eduardo Luiz Rhein

Karol Rogoza

Lisa Scheibner

Annalena Katharina Schillen

Hendrik Schulze Bröring

Enis Can Simsek

Jarl-Sebastian Soerensen

Marc Tukendorf

Christian Wohlhaupt

Jan Zabel

Wenwen Zhang

Matti Zinke

Alumni - Master students

Poulami Ghosh

Shaohan Li

Amanda Maiwald

Yiqun Xiao