
We offer Bachelor's and Master's theses in the area of visual perception research. If you are interested in inquiring, please first read the section General Information below.

General Thesis Information

Please read the following content carefully before inquiring about a topic.

Who can write a thesis with us and what are the prerequisites?

We welcome all students with an interest in visual perception and decent programming skills in python to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in our group. To ensure the successful progressing and completion of a thesis you need to meet the following requirements:

  • completion of a Seminar taught by our department (or equivalent proof of: basic knowledge of visual perception research, experience how to develop and pursue a research project)
  • interest in visual perception research
  • programming skills in python or R
  • good English skills to read the relevant literature
  • scientific curiosity
  • ability to work independently

How do you get a topic?

You can find some topics here in our website (project descriptions) but that list is neither up to date nor exhaustive. Since not all ideas make their way into the list, feel free to take a look at our current research areas (e.g. current projects and recent publications) and then contact the respective researchers directly.

What is the general process of writing a thesis?

We have crafted a chart which illustrates the workflow and the various steps in the course of the thesis project (see below).

The largest challenge is to find a topic that is interesting to you and to one of us. Once that topic is identified there will be a couple of meetings in which you read the relevant literature and you elaborate - guided by feedback of your supervisor - a research question and study design. This is the point when you write an exposé where you motivate your research question, review the relevant literature, pose the problem and/or propose a research question. You also provide a timeline for your thesis project. The expose will become the introduction of your thesis (see Expose guidelines).

We expect you to be in charge of your thesis project. It is YOUR thesis. To support the process of taking agency for your project, you and your supervisor fill out the survey "Establishing a good relationship from the Beginning", and discuss it together.

Thesis workflow